‘심리학이 분노에 답하다’ 화를 다스리는 법으로 부부관계 자녀관계 인간관계 개선하자

I’ve tried MBTI, which is popular these days, and it turns out that I’m INTP-A. I heard that this type is the type that guides anger the most. Maybe that’s why there were many moments when I didn’t understand why people were angry in that part when they were angry. So, I wanted to know more about the feelings of others’ anger in detail as a way to understand others.I think this book even serves as a guide to understand each other properly and not repeat the same mistakes by digging deep into and analyzing the differences in thoughts and values that lead to misunderstandings. Those who are prone to anger help themselves to grasp and control their deep inner psychology, and those who are not prone to anger help them realize the damage they may suffer and get angry. It also helps them understand others who are prone to anger, so I think it would be good to have a really must-read for each family in a world where people are as angry as these days, understand others, and create a smoother family relationship. If there are people in your family who are prone to anger, I recommend that you read them without fail.Psychology Answers Fury Author Chung Pei-chung Publishing Media Forest Release 2022.09.30.So it would be good for elementary school students to read it with their parents. I thought it would be good to give it to children who are easily angry. And I thought that it would be really helpful for couples who have difficulty communicating between couples, and couples who fight every day to read this book together. Especially when I read about the concept of labeling, I realized for a moment that Aha~. It was only when I realized that misunderstandings caused by differences in understanding and thinking about the other person’s language act as triggers for fights that I could find a solution and stop repetitive fights.Even at the moment when I should have been angry in my life, I was reminded of the unintended consequences that occurred because I did not get angry. Originally, I thought it would be really good to recommend this book to people who are prone to anger. I thought it would be good for children who have difficulty controlling anger and parents to read it together because each unit helps them identify the real emotion at the bottom of their anger and check the reason for that emotion by asking questions and filling in the blanks.There may be children or adults who are prone to anger in the family, but if conflict occurs in the same way and pattern every time… I realized how to control anger and anger in detail, so I could control it well, and I thought that conflict would be resolved. So I read a book called Psychology Answers Anger. From the beginning, the phrase that breaks my stereotype was not everything to control or erase anger, but rather to resolve it in a positive way.Hi~!
I’m MiNi, a blogger. I think it’s suddenly gotten so cold. Now, the weather seems to change to winter right away, not to fall. I don’t think there’s anything more healing than sitting at a cafe, drinking hot coffee and reading a book in this cold weather.Psychology Answers Fury

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