I don’t have a neck hernia My arms, hands and fingers are numb

Symptoms such as neck disc herniation can occur when quadrangular muscle syndrome occurs. These symptoms include neck pain, shoulder discomfort, numbness in arms and hands and numbness in fingers. Also, pain is mainly felt in the neck, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers.

However, the difference is that unlike neck disc herniation, even if neck disc herniation is not confirmed or neck disc herniation is very minor, and it is not enough to cause symptoms of arm numbness, hand numbness, and finger numbness. When these symptoms appear, quadrilateral syndrome is most likely to occur.

quadrangular muscle syndrome (thoracic outlet syndrome) ● Pain (neck, shoulder, arm, hand, finger) ● Numbness (arms, hands, fingers) ● heartburn pain ● heavy-chested ● difficulty breathing-difficulty breathing ● Muscle weakness in arms, hands and fingers ● Sensory weakness ● Swelling in arms, hands and fingers ● Arm contusion without neck disc herniation

However, symptoms of arm numbness, hand numbness, and finger numbness can sometimes be related to carpal tunnel syndrome or elbow duct syndrome, so it is important to consider an orthopedic examination if these symptoms appear.

People with a high risk of developing oblique muscle syndrome are often found around us. People who belong to these danger groups often appear among family members. Square muscle syndrome occurs in the collarbone area of the neck, where the brachial plexus, subclavian artery/vein can be compressed.

People prone to quadrangular muscle syndrome ● Turtle neck, straight neck ● Blood flow disorder, increased cerebral pressure, sympathetic nerves ● Round shoulder with shoulders wrapped inward ● People who stretch their shoulders back to stretch their bent shoulders (brachial nerve gun pushed backward), ● People who use shoulders a lot like baseball players and golf players

The latest treatment to cure quadrangular muscle syndrome for 10 minutes at a time

As one of the slope of the oblique angle muscle syndrome, the treatment of stem cells and neurologically, the neurologic disease and neuro reproduction technology.This treatment method was confirmed through the clinical experiment, all the treatment was conducted by integrated dental experts.This has been successful treatment for about 10,000 patients who specialized knowledge of neurological pain treatment.principle of neuroblock treatment1 step: shut down only abnormal nerve points and eliminate muscle tension in the jaw.Step 2: stabilize the brain pressure and improve the blood flow of brain and improve the sympathetic nerve.Step 3: Loosen the square muscle and mitigation.Step 4: The shoulder is natural, and the pressure of the upper arm nerve plexus, and the pressure of the lower artery/ vein.Step 5: Help reduce muscle, and numbness and numbness and numbness and improve your chest pain and improve your chest pain and breathing difficult.

Treatment is done in the mouth, and abnormal nerve blocks take about 10 minutes. In addition, system therapy is provided to prevent muscle tension and recurrence due to bad tooth habits by utilizing a new high-intensity oral device that is worn only in the mouth while sleeping. This treatment process takes about 5 hours including examinations, procedures, carotid ultrasound and recovery steps.

After the procedure, there is no need to take antibiotics, so breastfeeding mothers and patients with serious diseases that are difficult to take drugs can also be treated comfortably. The treatment is also applicable to patients in their teens and 77 years of age, allowing them to continue their normal daily diet and life from the day of the procedure.

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