How do I subscribe to YouTube monetization and Google AdSense?

There are many reasons why many people choose to become creators. One of them is that you can earn money from subscribers and content views. However, just because you have a YouTube channel doesn’t mean everyone can make money. To make a profit, your YouTube channel must meet certain criteria. 1. Live in a country or region where AdSense, a YouTube partner program, is provided 2.Over the past 12 months, video viewing time on my channel has exceeded 4,000 hours 3. Minimum number of subscribers has exceeded 1,000 4. Have a Google AdSense accountNon-disclosure videos, some public videos, deleted videos, advertising campaigns, stories, and videos played in the short video section are not included in the time count.If you meet YouTube’s profit conditions like this, you will be able to add “Google Adsense.” The application method is simple. You can subscribe to AdSense through YouTube Studio > Revenue Generation > Terms and Conditions Review. Adsense takes 1-2 days to approve after signing up, but you still have to receive your PIN number by mail and enter it. It takes 2 weeks to receive the PIN number and 6 weeks at the latest.After the PIN number, you must enter a foreign currency account where you can receive YouTube profits. Foreign currency accounts can be issued face-to-face by visiting the bank. After issuing a foreign currency account, enter your account information in AdSense, enter tax-related information on the details page, and you will be able to deposit YouTube profits into the account. Don’t forget to remember that the amount of revenue will be deposited between the middle of every month and the last day of every month!
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